Terrifying Phone Call: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Mother Survives Serious Accident

Receiving that dreaded phone call about a loved one being involved in a serious accident is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences. The rush of panic, the surge of questions, and the overwhelming hope that everything will be alright consume us in those moments

. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently lived through this nightmare when he learned about his mother, Ata Johnson, being in a severe car crash.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, Johnson shared that the accident happened early Thursday morning around 3am. Ata Johnson, 74, was driving a red Cadillac Escalade when it collided with another vehicle, causing significant damage to the front-passenger side. Miraculously, she survived. Johnson expressed his immense relief and gratitude, noting, “she’s ok” and crediting “angels of mercy” for watching over her.

Ata Johnson is a true survivor, having overcome lung cancer, endured a difficult marriage, survived a head-on collision with a drunk driver, and even faced an attempted suicide. Johnson lauded her resilience, calling her a living testament to the power of angels and miracles.

While Johnson didn’t delve into the specifics of the crash, he mentioned that his mother would continue to undergo evaluations. He also took a moment to commend the first responders, thanking the LAPD and LAFD for their care and communication throughout the ordeal.

In his post, the Black Adam star urged his followers to cherish their parents and show them love. Reflecting on his own experience, he wrote, “I got one parent left… so if you still got your mom and dad make sure you hug ’em hard, cos you never know when you’ll get that 3am call we never want to get.”

Johnson has always celebrated his mother’s strength and resilience. On her 72nd birthday in October 2020, he praised her for living each day as a blessing. Johnson’s father, Rocky Johnson, a professional wrestler, passed away at 75 in 2020.

This accident serves as a stark reminder of life’s unpredictability and the importance of showing love and appreciation to our loved ones. Let’s send our thoughts and prayers to Dwayne Johnson and his mother as they navigate this challenging time.

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